# defaults file for phpmyadmin

# The version of PHPMyAdmin to install

# Where to connect to for the database.
phpmyadmin_database_host: localhost

# To authenticate to the database using a user/pass requested in the browser,
# ensure you set phpmyadmin_blowfish_secret.
phpmyadmin_blowfish_secret: x7GD9DBEE32bAWd2sTHKBfYiqOfnj82neaPD3wrDTs0K

# Only set these (and unset phpmyadmin_blowfish_secret) to save the login
# credentials in the configuration file.
# This role does not setup a MySQL user and/or password, it just uses these
# settings.
phpmyadmin_database_user: admin
phpmyadmin_database_pass: P@s5-W0rd

phpmyadmin_database_compress: no
phpmyadmin_database_allownopassword: no