# defaults file for java

# Set the vendor of java, valid values are "openjdk" and "oracle".
java_vendor: openjdk

# Set the variable to install the type, valid values are "jre" and "jdk".
java_type: jre

# Set the version of java, valid values are "6", 7", "8", "9", "10", "11",
# "12" or "13".
# By default, a distibution default is used, mapped in `vars/main.yml`.
# By setting java_version, you overwrite this default to your selected
# version.
# java_version: 8

# Set the format of the installation source, valid values are "targz" and
# "rpm". This is only valid with "java_vendor == oracle"
java_format: targz

# Where do the RPMs come from when installing Oracle RPMs?
# Either "local" or "repository".
# Valid for "java_vendor == oracle" and "java_format" == "rpm"
java_rpm_source: local

# Choose if you can JCE installed. Only applicable for (both):
# - java_vendor == "oracle"
# - java_version == "8"
java_jce: yes

# In case of "java_vendor == oracle" and "java_format == targz", a directory
# as to be set where to install.
java_install_directory: /opt