# defaults file for tomcat

# The explicit version to use when referring to the short name.
tomcat_version7: 7.0.104
tomcat_version8: 8.5.56
tomcat_version9: 9.0.36

# The location where to download Apache Tomcat from.
tomcat_mirror: "https://archive.apache.org"

# Some "sane" defaults.
tomcat_name: tomcat
tomcat_directory: /opt
tomcat_version: 8
tomcat_user: tomcat
tomcat_group: tomcat
tomcat_xms: 512M
tomcat_xmx: 1024M
tomcat_non_ssl_connector_port: 8080
tomcat_ssl_connector_port: 8443
tomcat_shutdown_port: 8005
tomcat_ajp_port: 8009
tomcat_jre_home: /usr
# You can bind Tomcat to a specified address globally using this variable, or
# in the `tomcat_instances`. The `tomcat_instances.address` is more specific
# so it takes priority over `tomcat_address`.

# This role allows multiple installations of Apache Tomcat, each in their own
# location, potentially of different version.
# This is done by defining a "tomcat_instances" where "name:" is a unique
# identifier of an instance.
# The default tomcat_instances is one instance using the defaults described
# in defaults/main.yml.
  - name: "{{ tomcat_name }}"
    version: "{{ tomcat_version }}"
    user: "{{ tomcat_user }}"
    group: "{{ tomcat_group }}"
    xms: "{{ tomcat_xms }}"
    xmx: "{{ tomcat_xmx }}"
    non_ssl_connector_port: "{{ tomcat_non_ssl_connector_port }}"
    ssl_connector_port: "{{ tomcat_ssl_connector_port }}"
    shutdown_port: "{{ tomcat_shutdown_port }}"
    ajp_port: "{{ tomcat_ajp_port }}"
    # You can pick an address per instance:
    # address:
      - name: JRE_HOME
        value: "{{ tomcat_jre_home }}"

# When downloading wars, should the SSL certificate be valid? (Impossible for
# CentOS 6, so default: no.)
tomcat_validate_certs: no