# defaults file for postfix

# These settings are required in postfix.
postfix_myhostname: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
postfix_mydomain: "{{ ansible_domain | default('localdomain', true) }}"
postfix_myorigin: "{{ ansible_domain | default('localdomain', true) }}"

# To "listen" on public interfaces, set inet_interfaces to something like
# "all" or the name of the interface, such as "eth0".
postfix_inet_interfaces: "loopback-only"

# Enable IPv4, and IPv6 if supported - if IPV4 only set to ipv4
postfix_inet_protocols: all

# The distination tells Postfix what mails to accept mail for.
postfix_mydestination: $mydomain, $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost

# To accept email from other machines, set the mynetworks to something like
# "".
postfix_mynetworks: ""

# These settings change the role of the postfix server to a relay host.
# postfix_relay_domains: "$mydestination"

# If you want to forward emails to another central relay server, set relayhost.
# use brackets to sent to the A-record of the relayhost.
# postfix_relayhost: [relay.example.com]

# Set the restrictions for receiving mails.
  - permit_mynetworks
  - permit_sasl_authenticated
  - reject_unauth_destination
  - reject_invalid_hostname
  - reject_non_fqdn_hostname
  - reject_non_fqdn_sender
  - reject_non_fqdn_recipient
  - reject_unknown_sender_domain
  - reject_unknown_recipient_domain
  - reject_rbl_client sbl.spamhaus.org
  - reject_rbl_client cbl.abuseat.org
  - reject_rbl_client dul.dnsbl.sorbs.net
  - permit

  - reject_unknown_sender_domain

# To enable spamassassin, ensure spamassassin is installed,
# (hint: role: robertdebock.spamassassin) and set these two variables:
# postfix_spamassassin: enabled
# postfix_spamassassin_user: spamd

# To enable clamav, ensure clamav is installed,
# (hint: role: robertdebock.clamav) and set this variable:
# postfix_clamav: enabled

# You can configure aliases here. Typically redirecting `root` is a good plan.
# postfix_aliases:
#   - name: root
#     destination: [email protected]

# You can configure sender access controls here.
# postfix_sender_access:
#   - domain: gooddomain.com
#     action: OK
#   - domain: baddomain.com
#     action: REJECT

# You can configure recipient access controls here.
# postfix_recipient_access:
#   - domain: gooddomain.com
#     action: OK
#   - domain: baddomain.com
#     action: REJECT