
Course outlines for learning terraform.

View the Project on GitHub robertdebock/learn-terraform


expected time requirements
30 minutes A computer with Terraform installed, terraform knowledge.

Goal: See if using the console can help you.


Using terraform console is not an every-day task, but it can be quite useful. The console allows you to:

You can access the console by running terraform console. Hit CTRL+D to exit.

You can access state to inspect items in the state, just as terraform show. In the console you can apply functions to items from the state to see how they react.

Try function

> length("How long is this string?")

Inspect variables

In some (edge) cases, it can be difficult to understand the value of a variable. The console can help.

$ cat variables.tf 
variable "text" {
  default = "Hello world!"
$ terraform console
> var.text
"Hello world!"

Inspect state

$ terraform show 
# local_file.default:
resource "local_file" "default" {
    content              = "Hello world!"
    directory_permission = "0755"
    file_permission      = "0644"
    filename             = "foo.bar"
    id                   = "d3486ae9136e7856bc42212385ea797094475802"
$ terraform console
> local_file.default
  "content" = "Hello world!"
  "content_base64" = tostring(null)
  "directory_permission" = "0755"
  "file_permission" = "0644"
  "filename" = "foo.bar"
  "id" = "d3486ae9136e7856bc42212385ea797094475802"
  "sensitive_content" = (sensitive)
  "source" = tostring(null)
> length(local_file.default.content)
