
Course outlines for learning terraform.

View the Project on GitHub robertdebock/learn-terraform


expected time requirements
60 minutes A computer with Sentinel installed, terraform knowledge.

Goal: Understand what Sentinel is and how to write rules.


Sentinel is a HashiCorp tool that can enforce policies (or rules). Sentinel ties into Terraform Enterprise and Terraform Cloud, both commercial products.

+--- code ---+    +--- Terraform -------+    +----------+
| - main.tf  | -> | cloud or enterprise | -> | Sentinel | -> Provider(s).
+------------+    +---------------------+    +----------+
      ^                   ^
     \o/                 \o/
  DEV |               SEC |
     / \                 / \

Another way to explain the order is this list:

  1. main.tf - Terraform code.
  2. plan
  3. Sentinel - Sentinel inspects the plan.
  4. apply

The intent of Sentinel is that a security person (SEC) write a policy (rules) and the developers (DEV) write terraform code. After Terraform has rendered a plan, Sentinel checks for violations and continues execution when all rules are passed.

There are alternative methods, but none are as convenient or secure as Sentinel:

GCP Organization policies

Quite complete, but only on GCP.

Azure policies

Although very complete in features, this only applies to Azure, plus if a policy is violated, Terraform “errors out” instead of a nice method. Feedback is quite late.

Terraform modules

You can set standards in Terraform modules, but users do not have to use modules, so this is not a water tight solution.


After installing Sentinel, try these commands on the Sentinel CLI. The Sentinel CLI is used to develop, troubleshoot and test rules.

Let’s experiment a bit with a very simple policy.

Write a policy:

cat << EOF > region.policy
param region

main = rule {
  region in ["ams1", "ams2", "ams3"]

Write a passing test:

mkdir -p test/region
echo << EOF > test/region/pass-ams1.hcl
param "region" {
  value = "ams1"

Write a failing test:

echo << EOF > test/region/fail-ams4.hcl
param "region" {
  value = "ams4"

test {
  rules = {
    main = false

Now try the policy

sentinel test

You should see this:

PASS - region.sentinel
  PASS - test/region/fail-ams4.hcl
  PASS - test/region/pass-ams1.hcl

That was the debug or troubleshoot mode, using sentinel CLI.

Now lets have a look at a realistic example.


If you don’t have or can’t have Sentinel installed, try the Sentinel playground


  1. Can you build Sentinel into a pipeline yourself, without using Terraform Enterprise or Terraform Cloud?
