
Course outlines for learning terraform.

View the Project on GitHub robertdebock/learn-terraform

Terraform Cloud

expected time requirements
30 minutes A computer with Terraform installed, terraform knowledge.

Goal: See how you can use Terraform Cloud.


Terraform Cloud can help you manage remote state, locking and serve different variable per workspace. It also runs terraform plan, terraform apply and optionally terraform destroy.

Terraform Cloud is not required to run Terraform, but enabled easier collaboration.

There is a good comparison table in the documentation.

In some environments, Terraform Cloud may need to manage resources via an API that’s not available from the internet. In that case you may bring your own Terraform Cloud Agent.


Start with visiting Terraform Cloud.


This code is connected to this Terraform Clould workspace.

The file versions.tf can be modified to use remote state as well.

Another (CLI based) repo to show terraform apply.


There is a great track for this. That track covers much more than just workspaces, please finish these labs:

The rest of the labs work with AWS, which is not always applicable for this course.


  1. Name some benefits of Terraform Cloud over a local installation.
  2. Where are variables stored when using Terraform Cloud?
  3. You need to manage resources on an isolated network using Terraform Cloud, what can you use?

