
Course outlines for learning terraform.

View the Project on GitHub robertdebock/learn-terraform

Build infrastructure DBAAS

expected time requirements
60 minutes a computer

Goal: Learn how to create Azure dbaas resources using Terraform.


There are many Azure resources available, lets setup a managed MySQL instance.


Using the azurerm_mysql_server, azurerm_mysql_database and mysql_firewall_rule resources, we’re going to create a managed MySQL instance.


Example code



Use the sample code and change these settings:

You’ll likely run into an error. Try to understand the issue and fix the problem. (Hint: name.)


Use the documentation to make a firewall. Try not to look at the sample code, but if you’re stuck, use it as inspiration.

Testing things

Most machines have telnet installed: telnet YOUR_FQDN 3306. Some machines have mysql installed: mysql -u YOUR_USER -p -h YOUR_FQDN.

View the results

Azure Portal


  1. What are valid choices for version?
  2. What happens if I change the version to this resource?
  3. Could I make a virtual machine and install MySQL myself?