
Course outlines for learning terraform.

View the Project on GitHub robertdebock/learn-terraform

Build infrastructure K8s cluster (GCP)

expected time requirements
60 minutes a computer

Goal: Learn how to create a K8s cluster on GCP using Terraform.


A Kubernetes cluster consists of many components. Creating one “manually” is time consuming and error prone.

Using Terraform to deploy a k8s cluster is quite simple.


Use google_container_cluster to setup a K8s cluster. The documentation is a great starting point.


See this example repository.


beginner intermediate
Have a look at the sample repository, clone it, and follow the steps in the README.md. You’ll manually write Terraform code. Uses these resources.
  1. google_compute_network
  2. google_compute_subnetwork
  3. google_container_cluster
  4. google_container_node_pool


  1. What would be a realistic node_count?
  2. Why are there 6 nodes, even though gke_num_nodes is set to 2.
  3. What vm_size would be good?
  4. Was the cluster updated or recreated when changing the machine_type?
  5. Was the cluster updated or recreated when changing the gke_num_nodes?