Ansible on Fedora 30.

Fedora 30 (currently under development as rawhide) does not have python2-dnf anymore.

The Ansible module dnf tries to install python2-dnf if it running on a python2 environment. It took me quite some time to figure out why this error appeared:

fatal: [bootstrap-fedora-rawhide]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 10, "changed": true, "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "stderr": "Error: Unable to find a match\n", "stderr_lines": ["Error: Unable to find a match"], "stdout": "Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:33 ago on Thu Nov 29 20:16:32 2018.\nNo match for argument: python2-dnf\n", "stdout_lines": ["Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:33 ago on Thu Nov 29 20:16:32 2018.", "No match for argument: python2-dnf"]}

(I was not trying to install python2-dnf, so confusion…)

Hm; so I’ve tried these options to work around the problem:

so far the only reasonable option is to set ansible_python_interpreter as documented by Ansible.

  name: ansible
        ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3

This means all roles that use distributions that:

will need to be modified… Quite a change.

2 December 2018 update: I’ve created pull request 49202 to fix issue 49362.

TL;DR On Fedora 30 (and higher) you have to set ansible_python_interpreter to /usr/bin/python3.