A big thanks to … many

My parents, sister and family have been on a holiday to Lanzarote, Spain during Christmas and new-year. 11 people in total, 6 adults, 5 children.

During this holiday our oldest got sick. It started as a fever but did not get better, even afer some 2 weeks.

Our oldest is an 8 year old boy, pretty strong and autonomous, no history of sicknesses.

We went to the doctor, he referred us to the hospital in Lanzarote, in Arrecife. He did not get better after receiving antibiotics for some 4 days.

A CT scan indicated his sinuses were infected an the infection broke through to his brains. A medical helicopter was called in to transport him to the hospital on another Canary island; Gran Canaria.

Surgery was performed and he was sent to the “high intensive care”. Quite impressive, but please realize what a horrible time this was for me and my wife.

It’s now 10 days after his surgery, he’s eating, speaking, moving and laughing again. We’ll probably spend this year recovering all of his functions, like walking, properly speaking, etc. I’m hopeful he’ll recover quickly and fully, but what a shock.

TL;DR: Son got sick, he’s doing well, time to code.

All the hospital days and nights gave me quite some time to write code. Because of crappy internet connections, It was a challenge to test code.

Here are the services I’ve used.

I’m very thankful for all the medical staff in Spain, I’m impressed by the quality of the hospital services and staff.

Family, friends and colleagues have expressed their concerns, it does not help my son, but it did help me to know that people are thinking of us.