Ansible Python version chart

Ansible (ansible-core) depends on Python. Actually, the version of ansible-core has a strict requirements on the version of Python required.

Here is a table demonstrating the versions of ansible-core and their Python requirement.


anisble-core python
2.11.* >= 2.7, < 3.0
2.12., 2.13. >= 3.8
2.14., 2.15. >= 3.9
2.16., 2.17. >= 3.10

As you can see, Ansible version 2.12 was the first version of ansible-core to require python version 3.


The tool “tox” can be used to test multiple versions of pip modules in an exising Python installation. This is useful locally, to test if a certain python version and ansible version pass tests, or in CI to do these tests automatically.

Here is an example of a tox.ini configuration file.


# Make a list of environments to test. This is a combination of python version and ansible version.
# Be aware, TOX does not install Python, the host that TOX runs on must have the required Python version(s) installed.
# A missing python version will result in a `SKIP`.
envlist =
    python3.8-ansible-2.12, python3.8-ansible-2.13
    python3.9-ansible-2.14, python3.9-ansible-2.15
    python3.10-ansible-2.16, python3.10-ansible-2.17

# These setting apply for all environments, listed further down.
commands = molecule test

# Some environment variables that are passed to the test environment.
# These variables are used by molecule, which allows you to run:
# $ image=ubuntu tag=latest molecule test.
# The DOCKER_HOST is set because I run docker on a remote host.
passenv =

# Set some environment variables for the test environment.
# The TOX_ENVNAME is used to make molecule display a hostname, including the environment name.
setenv =

# The environments specified above, under the `envlist` section, should now define the Python version and the Ansible version.
basepython = python2.7
deps =
    # Pickup the pip requirements from the requirements.txt file.
    # Set a specific version of ansible-core.
    ansible-core == 2.11.*

basepython = python3.8
deps =
    ansible-core == 2.12.*

basepython = python3.8
deps =
    ansible-core == 2.13.*

basepython = python3.9
deps =
    ansible-core == 2.14.*

basepython = python3.9
deps =
    ansible-core == 2.15.*

basepython = python3.10
deps =
    ansible-core == 2.16.*

basepython = python3.10
deps =
    ansible-core == 2.17.*

The above configuration (tox.ini) works with a requirements.txt:


Good luck testing!